英文: During my staying in UNIONSHOES, I worked as merchandiser handling export business of Wal-Mart U.S.A as well as Wal-Mart Canada, including sample development / cost breakdown / documentation of all issues about order through RetailLink / analysing and pre
中文: 7年之久的外贸工作经验使本人熟知对外贸易的工作流程及其操作技巧,本人应变能力强,懂得用外国人的思维方式进行贸易谈判,能独立处理繁杂事件,在职期间不断学习探索,使英语写作/口语水平和自身综合素质得以持续不断的提高。
英文: From September,2006 to May,2007, work as English Merchandiser in Guangzhou Tak Fat Fashions Ltd, I work as an interpreter while receiving the foreign visitors and accompanying them to visit the factory, besides ,I translate the documents pertinent to Huma
中文: 工作描述:(1)2007.5~2006.9在广州市德发时装有限公司任职英语跟单员,主要负责接待国外客人,陪同客人参观工厂,另外还负责翻译有关人权状况,工厂生产力评估等文件的翻译,负责跟进样板的进度以及翻译各个客人的做板资料。
英文: Meanwhile, Merchandiser need to requested Operation Dept sign back 、, and let them provide color swatches about shoe's material and retain tracking.
中文: 此时,跟单员必须要求计划部门在《订单收取确认书》、《鞋样签收单》上签字,并向计划部索取订单相关样鞋的材料色卡,同时保持追踪。
英文: Merchandiser must borrow the dvp sample from sample organizer to match the PO requested and hand over to Operation dept once finish PO transmit.
中文: 订单转发给计划部门之后,跟单员必须找样品管理员借出已下单的开发样,并交给计划部门。
英文: On the sales control, carry out special customers' management system and request special supervisors of customers to offer unswerving and dutiful merchandiser service to their own customers as well as make the customers satisfied as much as possible.
中文: 在销售管理方面,实行客户专管制度,要求客户专管员对所属的客户实行从一而终尽职尽责的跟单服务,尽量使广大客户满意。