英文: A massive manhunt for the missing men has severely taxed military resources and morale at a time when the U.S. is under pressure at home over troop deployment.
中文: 围绕这三名失踪士兵开展的大规模搜救行动耗费了驻伊美军大量的人力和物力,并严重的削弱了驻伊美军的士气,而美国因对伊军事部署的问题上一直倍受来自国内的压力。
英文: A public opinion poll by the newspaper USA Today said 57 percent of Americans favor a timetable for troop withdrawal from Iraq.
中文: “今日美国”报的一个民调表示57%的美国人都赞成为对伊撤军设立一个时间表。
英文: A public opinion poll by the newspaper USA Today says 57 percent of Americans favor a timetable for troop withdrawal from Iraq.
中文: 由USA报纸发起的一项民意调查显示,57%的美国人希望有一个从伊拉克撒军的确切时间表。
英文: “Rosen Ritter” has not been entrusted with heavy responsibility due to its ironical history and the background of the troop members.
中文: 由于部队的历史及成员的逃亡身份,「蔷薇骑士连」因此一直不被军方重用。
英文: “Rosen Ritter” was originated from a fictionalized novel named “Legend of Galactic Hero”; the troop was comprised offspring from nobles, who escaped from their autocratic motherland “The Galactic Empire” to the democratic “The Free Planets Alliance”.
中文: 「蔷薇骑士连」的由来,是出自于一部虚构小说---「银河英雄传说」,部队成员是由「帝国」逃亡至「自由惑星同盟」的贵族子弟所组成。