英文: Lien applied for the alternative military service program and was sent to Burkina Faso in November 2001 as a military surgeon.
中文: 连加恩申请替代役,并于二○○一年十一月以军医的身份被分派到布吉纳法索。
英文: Since the establishment of the company, we consistently regard high-quality product and excellent after sale service as our number-one priority, for this end, we have worked out a service program of specifying a certain staff in charge of whole service pr
中文: 公司自成立至尽始终将质量和服务放在第一位,将客户的利益放在心上.不仅实行专人负责到底的方式并且开通24小时服务热线,向客户承诺小修24小时完成,大修3天内完成.