英文: Chang, K.C. and Hwang, J.S. Field Testing of A Seismically Isolated Bridge.Proceedings, International Workshop on Mitigation of Seismic Effects on Transportation Structures, pp. 262-273, Taipei, Taiwan, July, 1999.
中文: 黄震兴,交通部桥梁耐震补强准则之探讨,桥梁耐震设计与补强研讨会,交通部及台湾营建研究院,1999。
英文: Gabbie Y.L. CHIU / Venda N.C. LEE / K.C. YIP: Graduated from the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong (majoring in Critical Intermedia Laboratory).
中文: 赵绮铃/李雅颂/叶启俊:毕业于香港城市大学创意媒体学院(跨媒体批判实验室主修生)。