英文: A...ah...oh no! Taka you super ultra pervert!!Miaka pounded Taka's shoulders.
中文: “啊……嗯……啊,不要!魏你真是超级超级堕落!”美朱猛压向魏的肩膀。
英文: Following the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v.Board of Education of Topeka (1954), African American and white supporters attempted to end entrenched segregationist practices.
中文: 随着美国最高法院对「布朗对托皮卡教育局案」(1954)的裁决,美国黑人和白人支持者企图结束固有的隔离措施。
英文: Going into that world seems like a long time ago, but, strangely feels like it was yesterday...Miaka gave a small mutter. I was in the middle of 9th grade exams, I opened the Universe of the Four Gods in the library and when I went inside what was Taka...
中文: “在那个世界发生的事,似乎是很久以前了吧,但是,很奇怪呢,总觉得就像昨天发生的一样……”美朱低声呢喃:“当时,我正在准备国中会考,我在图书馆,翻开了《四神天地书》,然后,当我进入那个世界时,魏……不对……鬼宿在做什么呢?”
英文: Huh...?Miaka instantly spaced out and her cheeks reddened.
中文: “呃……?”美朱马上闪了出去,脸“唰”地红了。
英文: Me...?Taka answered trying to recover old memories. I had set out to work away from home near the capitol.
中文: “我……?”魏回答着,努力地回想着:“我当时离开家,到首都附近找工作。”