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management committee

【经】 管理委员会

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英文: A President is elected by the Management Committee among its members for one year, re-election is possible. The President has a casting vote in the Management Committee.

中文: 协会主席每年由管理委员会在会员中选出,可以改选。当管理委员会中赞成与反对票数相同时,主席有权投决定票。        更详细...
英文: A resolution of the board of directors of joint management committee may also be made in the form of correspondence.

中文: 董事会或者联合管理委员会也可以用通讯的方式作出决议。        更详细...
英文: Art. 9 The Management Committee shall consist of three to seven representatives from Full members, being understood that each Full member shall only present one of its representatives for election as member of the Management Committee.

中文: 第9条管理委员会由完全会员中选出3至7名代表组成,每一个完全会员只能有一名代表参加管理委员会的竞选。        更详细...
英文: Article 21 Subject to the consent of a property owner, or the manager or management committee of a property, Chunghwa Post may set up exclusive mail collection boxes on public roads or at residences, markets, factories, government agencies, schools, or ot

中文: 第21条中华邮政公司得于道路、住宅、商场、工厂、机关、学校、公私团体及其他公众出入处所,设置收受邮件专用器具,以收取邮件,并应得其所有权人或其管理人或管理委员会之同意。        更详细...
英文: Article 26 The decision to appoint, dismiss or discontinue to appoint a certified accountants office shall be taken by the shareholders meeting and the decision shall be submitted to the China Securities Supervision and Management Committee for the record

中文: 第二十六条公司聘用、解聘或者不再续聘会计师事务所由股东大会作出决定,并报中国证券监督管理委员会备案。        更详细...

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