英文: It is inaluab1e to do a research in positive mistranslation in that the translator's ability to comprehend and represent the source text can be enhanced and that translation criticism will take a breath of fresh air.
中文: 积极性误译主要有以下几种形式:出于审美需要而进行的积极性误译;由于文化缺省而导致的积极性误译;由于英汉各民族思维方式不同而导致的积极性误译。
英文: Positive mistranslation means the translator, in order to revitalize the original meaning of the source text, takes pains to create new equivalent in spite of the form of the source text.
中文: 积极性误译指的是译者为了完美再现原文的风韵而进行的创造性翻译,虽与原文在形式上并不完全对等,但却能传达最为重要的信息。