英文: As a fast growing, high-tech entity, SEC is currently a full-fledged software engineering and system development base in the Three Gorges region of China where it plays a leading role in enterprise-scaled application development.
中文: 作为一个迅速发展的高新产业实体,三峡大学软件工程中心是三峡地区最先进,最完善的软件工程和系统研发基地;是该地区信息和软件产业化建设的主导实体。
英文: At the Defined Level ... a defined software process contains a coherent, integrated set of well-defined software engineering and management processes ... characterized as including readiness criteria, inputs, standards and procedures for completing the wo
中文: 在定义层次……一个定义好的软件过程包括一个紧密的、统一的良好定义的软件工程和管理过程的集合……以包含准备就绪的标准,输入,完成这项工作的标准和程序,校验机制,……,输出和完成标准为特征。
英文: BRO95 Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. 1995. The Mythical Man-Month-Essays on Software Engineering 2nd ed. Reading, MA, Addison Wesley Longman.
中文: 一本经典著作,接触软件开发的人员应反复研读本书。我们给读者推荐这一版是20周年纪念版,不是1975年的原版。
英文: Every problem in software engineering can be solved by adding an extra layer of indirection.
中文: 我也出现这个问题了不过不是启动的时候,而是运行中...有谁知道如何解决?
英文: Furthermore, I studied my in-service postgraduate courses in Beijing University of Technology from Sep.2005 and also majored in computer taught by Zhang Shujie who was the original Prexy of School of Software Engineering and President of Degree Committee
中文: 另外,本人自2005年9月起,在北京工业大学计算机学院就读在职研究生,导师为原工大软件学院院长、校学位委员会主席张书杰。