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external trade

【经】 对外贸易

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英文: After assessing strength and needs in the context of competitiveness, the essence of concurrently achieving trinityin international econo-technological cooperation, market development and external trade strategy for current undertaking is stressed.

中文: 摘要经由主、客观强弱势分析与需求之定位,并参酌强化国际竞争力之正统作法,本文提出同步达成国际经技合作,市场开发与外销策略布局目标之要义。        更详细...
英文: Alter having analyzed the current situation of the nation's chemical external trade, the problems and challenges stemmed from the change of exporting product structure, advices and countermeasures of how to deepen the innovations of external trade system,

中文: 摘要对当前我国化工工业对外贸易的现状,以及出口产品结构变化所面临的问题和挑战进行深入分析,提出了如何深化外贸体制改革,壮大竞争主体,更新经营理念等建议和对策,以推动我国化工对外贸易的发展。        更详细...
英文: For instance, last year China took up 10% of the growth of the world economy with its GDP accounting for about 4% of the world's total; it contributed 12% to the increase of the global trade with its external trade value taking up a 6% share in the world'

中文: 以去年为例,中国以约占世界4%的GDP,对世界经济的增长做出了10%的贡献;以约占世界6%的外贸额,为世界贸易的增长做出了12%的贡献。        更详细...
英文: Hong Kong Trade Development Council is the statutory organization promoting Hong Kong's external trade in goods and services.

中文: 香港贸易发展局是专责推广香港对外贸易,包括商品贸易及服务出口的法定机构。        更详细...
英文: In 2006, Japan imported fresh and processed vegetables worth about 228 billion yen from China, such as leeks, garlic, satoimo taro roots and shiitake mushrooms, according to Japan External Trade Organization.

中文: 根据日本贸易振兴会提供的统计数据,2006年日本从中国进口了价值约2280亿日元的韭菜、大蒜、芋头和香菇等新鲜和加工的蔬菜。        更详细...

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