英文: After a busy day trying to survive Zimbabwe's economic crisis, Jeffrey Ndoro likes to relax after work with a beer.
中文: 为了捱过辛巴威经济危机,恩多洛度过忙碌的一天后,喜欢在下班后喝杯啤酒放松一下。
英文: After all, other successors of famously crusty chief executives—GE's Jeffrey Immelt and Jack Welch come to mind—have tried to soften their firms' message without sacrificing profits.
中文: 毕竟,其他一些有名的脾气不佳的总裁――如通用公司的杰弗里-伊梅尔特和杰克-维尔奇,他们尽量在不损害公司盈利的情况下,放宽公司的政策。
英文: After both events, the public's generosity was enormous. Winfrey and freeman both used their star power to focus attention on those who were suffering.
中文: 通过这两场筹款义演后,社会大众热烈慷慨解囊筹得巨款。温佛里和佛里曼两人利用他们的明星效应把公众的目光吸引到受灾的人群和场面。
英文: All 16 former KPMG partners named in the indictment - who include Jeffrey Stein, former deputy head of its US business - were charged with conspiracy to defraud the IRS and tax evasion.
中文: 这16人中,有3人还被指控妨碍美国税务局调查毕马威避税产品案件。另有3人及毕马威前税务经理被控逃避个人税收。
英文: Ansari, 40, was due to return to Earth on Sept. 29, along with cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov and astronaut Jeffrey Williams, who have been on the station since April.
中文: 40岁的安萨里将于9月29日和宇航员帕维尔·维诺格拉多夫及杰夫里·威廉姆斯一起返回地球,这两位宇航员从今年4月份起就进入了空间站。