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mortality rate


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英文: A. baumannii is found in intensive care units, and the mortality rate among infected patients is very high -- between 50 and 60 percent -- Borer explained.

中文: 伯尔解释说,鲍氏不动杆菌首次是在重病特别护理病房出现的,而这种病菌的感染死亡率非常的高,一般在50%-60%之间。        更详细...
英文: Although in recent years, China's population structure has changed into three lowscomplexion of low birth rate, low natural growth rate and low mortality rate thanks to China's unremitting efforts to carry out the family planning policy, a high growth is

中文: 虽然近年来,由于计划生育政策的持续不懈努力,中国人口结构已转变成低出生率、低自然增长率、低死亡率的三低局面,但与低出生率相伴生的,却是高增长量。        更详细...
英文: Bullosa epidermolysis necrosis drug eruption is one type of most serious drup eruption and the mortality rate of the patients is high, in our department, 15 cases of patients with bullosa epidermolysis necrosis drug eruption were cured with the adjunctive

中文: 大疱表皮松解坏死型药疹是最严重的药疹之一,死亡率高,我科对15例大疱表皮松解型药疹应用大剂量免疫球蛋白辅助治疗全部治愈;对此类患者,早期及时而有效地治疗和加强皮肤粘膜的护理以及严格的消毒隔离等护理措施至关重要。        更详细...
英文: Destroying the patient's own unhealthy stem cells in the bone marrow and replacing them with a compatible donor's stem cells offers the chance of cure for a disease that otherwise has a high mortality rate with non-transplant therapies.

中文: 杀死患者自身病态的干细胞,然后用配型相符的供者干细胞取而代之,可有机会治愈疾病,否则采用非移植疗法死亡率极高。        更详细...
英文: Complications of hepatic arterial embolization(HAE) with myodil were studied in pigs. It was shown that HAE with myodil led to pulmonary oil embolism. The mortality rate in pigs undergoing HAE with myodil of ml/kg body weight was 0%.

中文: 用健康杂种小猪进行碘苯酯肝动脉栓塞(hepatic arterial embolization,简称HAE),探讨碘苯酯肝动脉栓塞的有关并发症及相对危险性。        更详细...

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