英文: China does not want to antagonise the unpredictable Mr Kim; and it is keen to draw South Korea closer in the game of regional rivalries (both countries have rows with Japan over disputed islands).
中文: 中国不愿意使喜怒无常的金正日更加穷兵黩武;同时在东亚地区对抗的博弈中试图拉拢韩国(两个国家都与日本在争议岛屿问题上龌龊频繁)。
英文: It cannot attack the rot at the top: that would antagonise poor countries who sit on its board and account for most of its custom.
中文: 它不可能打击高层腐败:这将令其同穷国陷入对立,而这些国家不仅跻身董事会,也占了其顾户的大多数。