英文: A Hong Kong banker says: “Politically, there's a lot more prestige in helping move people rather than goods, but the government has woken up to how crucial freight is for an export-led manufacturing sector.
中文: 一位香港银行家表示:“从政治角度来看,运送旅客比运输货物更能建立声望,但政府已意识到,货运对出口驱动型的制造业领域至关重要。”
英文: A grocer, a banker and a politician got lost in the forest. Eventually they came to a farmer's home and asked if he coul put them up overnight.
中文: 一个杂货商,一个银行家和一个政客在森林里迷了路。最后,他们来到了一家农舍,询问主人他们是否能在此过夜。
英文: A report from a group of notables including Atsushi Saito, formerly an investment banker and head of the Industrial Revitalisation Corporation of Japan (which is the government's corporate bail-out agency and has just been wound down), recently told the g
中文: 最近,一份出自包括斋藤宏在内的业界名流们(包括以前的投资银行家和日本工业复兴公司〈该机构原是政府法定的优先股红利获得者,现已倒闭下台〉的首脑)的报告就已出台的经济财政方针提醒内阁府。
英文: Because when parents play banker to our kids, we face the same problem real banks contend with : bad debt.
中文: 父母在孩子面前充当银行家角色的时候,他们面临着真实世界里的银行同样要对付的问题:坏帐。
英文: “It is very rare to see all these stars perfectly aligned,” says a banker involved in the deal.
中文: “这种所有星星连成一线的完美情形很罕见,”参与该交易的一位银行家表示。