英文: 15 species from Himalaya to Formosa and South Esat Asia S.superba from Formosa called Himetsubaki in Japan.Very small quantities imported from Sarawak and Indonesia.
中文: 计15种﹐由喜马拉雅山、台湾、东南亚分布至日本地区﹐主要由沙唠越及印尼进口。
英文: 2 or 3 species in Sumatra,Malaya and Borneo.Not much imported,and mixed in logs from west Kalimantan and Sarawak.
中文: 2或3种﹐分布于苏门答腊、马来西亚与婆罗洲﹐主要由加里曼丹与沙唠越进口﹐常混杂在其他原木中﹐进口量不大。
英文: 44th to be exact, with Sabah and Sarawak of East Malaysia joined Malaya to form Malaysia on 16 September 1963.
中文: 实际上是四十四岁,东马的沙巴和砂劳(拉)越于1963年9月16日加入马来亚,组成了马来西亚。
英文: Chinese women migrated en masse to Malaya under the impact of the global economic crisis in 1929-1933 and the immigrant policies of the colonial governments.
中文: 在1929-1933年世界经济危机和殖民地政府移民政策的影响下,中国女性人口大量移民马来亚。
英文: Foremost among these is the existence of the Himalaya Mountains, which produce southern Asia's monsoon climate and vast river systems.
中文: 最重要的因素是,喜马拉雅山的存在造成了南亚的季风气候和庞大的河流系统。