英文: Whereas the so-called Lost Generation that grew up in the Cultural Revolution often struggled to finish high school, today around a quarter of Chinese in their 20s have attended college.
中文: 然后所谓的文化大革命时期迷失的一代也经常努力的完成他们的高等教育,今天的中国人在他们20岁左右的时候已经读完了大学。
英文: Meanwhile,Lost Generation has exerted great influence in the history of literature and culture,from Beat Generation, Angry Youth, Hippie,to post-modernism at present.
中文: 同时,作为一个有影响的文学流派、文化现象,迷惘的一代在文学史、文化史上的意义也不容低估。 在美国、在欧洲、在全世界,它的影响、传播、演化、流变,几经风雨,几度春秋。