英文: Hybridity and (G)local Identity in Postcolonial Hong Kong Cinema,in Sheldop Lu and Emilie Yeh eds., Chinese-Language Film: Historigraphy, Poetics, Politics. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2005, pp. 312-328.
中文: 早期香港新浪潮电影:“表现不能表现的”〉,罗贵祥、文洁华编:《杂唛时代:文化身份、性别、日常生活实践与香港电影1970s》(香港:牛津大学出版社,2005)页195-209。
英文: The Institutionalization of Colonial Medicine in Taiwan,The International Workshop of Medicine, Colonialism, and Social Change, The Institute of Taiwan History Preparatory Office, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
中文: 从「清洁」到「卫生」--殖民政府对台湾社会在清洁观念上的改造>,「洁净」的历史研讨会,中央研究院历史语言研究所,台北,台湾。
英文: A member of the lower house of the legislature of colonial Virginia or Maryland.
中文: 殖民地弗吉尼亚州或马里兰州的立法机关下议院议员
英文: Abstract: During the colonialera ,the impact of Po rtuguese law on African customary law mainly included three ways: on administration, African customary law was weakened by enlarging the powers of the colonial governmentetc.;on legislation , it was modif
中文: 文摘:殖民时期葡萄牙法对非洲习惯法的影响主要表现在三个方面:行政方面,通过扩大殖民行政权力,控制非洲传统酋长,限制黑人参政议政权等削弱习惯法的作用;立法方面,通过修改葡萄牙宪法,制定《殖民地法》、《土著法》等修改非洲习惯法;司法方面,通过建立双重司法体制,并改革非洲法院,利用特别条款推行西方生活方式等限制非洲习惯法的适用。
英文: After 1840, the invasion by Western imperialist powers reduced China to the status of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and subjected the Chinese people to twofold repression by imperialism and feudalism.
中文: 一八四○年以后,由于西方列强的入侵,中国逐渐成为半殖民地半封建社会,中国人民受到帝国主义、封建主义的双重压迫。