英文: A disproportionate number of criminals and other irresponsible types are heterosexual. So why would someone hire a heterosexual in a responsible position?
中文: 大多数的罪犯和不负责任的人都是异性恋者.那为什么还是会有人顾用异性恋者来出任这些工作呢?
英文: Americans of all denominations recoiled in disgust at the sexual sins - both homosexual and heterosexual - of prominent British leaders.
中文: 美国所有教派的人厌恶地反弹显赫的英国领导人的性泛滥─同性与异性间的滥交之罪。
英文: Anonymous donations have allowed infertile heterosexual couples, gay couples and single women to create families that would otherwise never have existed.
中文: 匿名捐献使不能生育的异性夫妇、同性恋伙伴和单身女性有了孩子。
英文: At the same time, contradictions in heterosexuality help to perpetuate families and parenting by ensuring that women will seek relations to children and will not find heterosexual relationships alone satisfactory.
中文: 同时,异性恋中的矛盾促使女人在孩子身上而不只在异性关系中取得满足感,从而有助于家庭和婚姻的长存。
英文: God are heterosexual are shy and NEVER MAKE THEFIR STMOVE!
中文: 又好又帅又有点钱而且是个异性恋的男人偏偏害羞而且从不采取行动。