英文: 12 Apr 07 - Pictures, postcards, paintings - anything that reminds you of the nostalgic golden lifestyle of Shanghai in classic times.
中文: 无论你现在何方,只要是任何能让人联想到上海生活的图像都欢迎加入分享。
英文: A classic drippicture by Jackson Pollock has become the world's most expensive painting after it was sold in America by the Hollywood entertainment mogul David Geffen for $140 million (£75 million).
中文: 好莱坞大腕戴维·格芬将20世纪美国抽象画大师杰克逊·波洛克用“滴画”手法创作的名为《1948年第5号作品》的油画以1.4亿美元的价格出售后,这幅作品成为世界上最贵的画。
英文: A classic expression of love for your sweetheart.
中文: 你像是一朵红红的玫瑰!向心上人表达一个经典的情意。
英文: “Most classic music–manics are keen on Mozart.
中文: (大多数古典音乐发烧友都喜欢莫扎特的作品。)
英文: 《An Encounter of Folk and Classic Dance》, an annual production in 2006 from dancing group Yu-He-Wu-Yun, is with an expectation to present the purity of traditional art through dancing as its media as a new conceptual performance evolved from traditional a
中文: 「豫和舞耘」舞团2006年度制作《民间舞与古典舞的邂垢》,从传统艺术里开辟一种新的想法表现,透过舞蹈为媒介,呈现出传统艺术的纯粹性!