英文: You divorced her in the quickest way you could think of, didn't you? You divorced her with a .38 revolver wrapped in dishtowels, didn't you?
中文: “你以你自己最快的方式跟她离了婚,是吧?你用一支包着布的三八手枪跟她离了婚,是不是?!”
英文: 1814 Samuel Colt, American inventor and patentee in 1835 of a revolver that bears his name, was born at Hartford in Connecticut.
中文: 美国发明家塞谬尔·科尔特诞生于康涅狄格州哈特福德。1835年他获得一种左轮手枪专利权,这种手枪上铸有他的名字。
英文: A variety of other practical training have been provided for selected officers throughout the year : shotgun training for 696 officers, revolver qualifications for 29 woman officers, induction course for Enhanced Command and Control Computer System ( ECAC
中文: 在过去一年,辅警队为同僚安排了不同类型的实务训练,计有696人接受雷明登散弹枪训练及29位女警参与枪械训练、第二代指挥及控制电脑系统训练班,令为数三百五十人的通讯组亦得以重新成立而在各总区指挥及控制中心服务。
英文: And suddenly I saw that she had begun moving towards me with the revolver in her hand.
中文: 我突然发现她两手握着枪,开始朝我身边走来。
英文: BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) - A Colombian man accidentally shot his nephew to death while trying to cure his hiccups by pointing a revolver at him to scare him, police in the Caribbean port city of Barranquilla said on Tuesday.
中文: 据路透社自哥伦比亚波哥大发出的报道,哥伦比亚港口城市巴兰奎拉警方周二称,一名哥伦比亚男子在试图用手枪惊吓自己的侄子以便治好他的打嗝时,不小心开枪导致其死亡。