英文: A new online coupled algorithm for PCA and MCA which can simultaneously extract the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix with coupled iterations is obtained.
中文: 给出能同时得到主成分分析或小成分分析所要求的特征值和特征向量的实时算法。
英文: Abstract: In this paperfor real marine underwater noise data by using synchronous acquisition of pointsinputs-output covariance matrix is obtained by filtering compensating delay and crosscorrelation.Then the contribution of inputs to output in network
中文: 文摘:本文对多点同步测量方法记录的舰艇噪声数据,采取在时域上作滤波、时延补偿和互相关得到输入输出协方差矩阵,然后从输入输出协方差矩阵计算在网络意义和偏相干意义下输入对输出的贡献以及其它有用的量。
英文: Since a pseudo-covariance matrix of the observed signals supply additional constraints if the sources are assumed to be independent and improper, it can be proved that the second order statistics is sufficient to separate the mixed complex-value signals f
中文: 假设源信号是独立的且非常态,信号的伪协方差矩阵能增加约束条件,从而可证明二阶统计量能够完全分离复值混合信号,而且对信号是否平稳不作要求。
英文: When the observation noise is temporal correlation, Kalman Filter will not be able to achieve optimization, and its covariance matrix will be wrong.
中文: 在观测噪声不满足时间不相关的假设情况下,卡尔曼滤波将达不到最优滤波效果,并且其误差协方差阵也是错误的。