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prop up

支撑, 支持

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英文: And many experts here say that some gallery officials and artists are sending representatives to the auctions to bid on their own works to prop up prices, or “protect” the prices of some rising stars.

中文: 许多专家认为,一些美术馆的高层和艺术家派代表去参加拍卖会,竞拍他们自己的作品,从而维持价格或“保护”一些后起之秀的作品价格。        更详细...
英文: And often the sympathy flows both ways: China has, in recent years, helped to prop up Zimbabwe, Sudan, Uzbekistan, Cuba and North Korea.

中文: 而且同情感常常是双向的:中国在近年来帮助支持津巴布韦、苏丹、乌兹别克斯坦、古巴和朝鲜。        更详细...
英文: And what Keye ' theory was to do was basically to show how that could work and to show what governments could do to try to prop up demand for goods and services and get economies out of rece io and depre io .

中文: 凯恩斯的理论基本上是要证明如何这才能行得通以及政府可以采取什么行动来促进对商品和服务的需求,使经济摆脱衰退和萧条。        更详细...
英文: And what Keyens' theory was to do was basically to show how that could work and to show what governments could do to try to prop up demand for goods and services and get economies out of recessions and depressions.

中文: 凯恩斯的理论基本上是要证明如何这才能行得通以及政府可以采取什么行动来促进对商品和服务的需求,使经济摆脱衰退和萧条。        更详细...
英文: British forces sought to create an Iraqi army. They trained Iraqi forces, but found that they had to stay and prop up the new government.

中文: 英国军方努力建立一支伊拉克部队。他们训练伊拉克军队,但却发现他们不得不留下来支持新政府。        更详细...

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