英文: 6 million has been invested to rejuvenate the building and its innovative multi-media facility, which recognizes the importance of digital practice in contemporary art.
中文: 诺丁汉特伦特大学投资六百万英镑更新教室以及它先进的多媒体设施,这也充分地显示了在现在艺术中数码高科技技术应用的重要性。
英文: 8 We must always change ,renew , rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden.
中文: 我们必须不断的改变、更新自己,使自己富有朝气;否则我们会僵化。
英文: An analogous strategy applied to the microscopic world of computer chips could rejuvenate a semiconductor industry that has recently begun to show signs of senescence.
中文: 相同的道理,如果应用到微小的电脑晶片制程上,就可以让已逐步走向夕阳工业的半导体制造业重现朝气。
英文: Archons refer to the Elves as The Firstlings,and preach that Elves serve to rejuvenate fallen worlds and prepare the way to a world of Magical Wonders.
中文: 当执政官提到精灵时,他就称他们为最初之物,并且对世间宣称,精灵的内心深处仍然无限思念过去失落的世界,仍然想要回到那个魔法奇迹的时代。
英文: As they developed more physical material bodies, they used the crystal to rejuvenate their bodies and were able to live hundreds of years while maintaining a youthful appearance.
中文: 后来他们过度开发物质身体,他们用水晶使他们的身体返老还童和能够活数百年而不衰老。