英文: Ailing Cuban President Fidel Castro has not yet made an appearance at May Day celebrations in Havana Tuesday, despite predictions he might appear in public for the first time since handing over power to his brother Raul last July.
中文: 尽管有预测说,古巴总统卡斯特罗可能自去年7月将权力移交给他的弟弟劳尔以来首次公开露面,但是健康欠佳的卡斯特罗星期二仍然没有在哈瓦那的五一国际劳动节的庆祝活动中露面。
英文: Even so, with so many working abroad, some clinics in Havana are understaffed and others have closed.
中文: 即便如此,由于如此多的医生去国外工作,哈瓦那街头的一些诊所人手严重不足,其他的已经停业。
英文: Havana Club is a range of continuous distilled rums made in Havana, Cuba.
中文: 这是一种柱馏器蒸馏的朗姆酒,产于古巴的哈瓦那。
英文: Havana Club is one of the world's fastest-growing rums. The products are all aged in the Cuban tradition to produce a clean palate with exceptional flavor aroma.
中文: 世界发展最快的朗姆酒之一,古巴朗姆酒的代表,呈现清爽独特的口感和芳香.
英文: Having a fragrant coffee, smoking a Havana cigar and reading a fond magazine will make you feel relaxed and full of vigor.
中文: 饮一杯香浓的咖啡,抽一支哈瓦那雪茄,翻翻喜爱的杂志,有助您舒缓身心,抖擞精神。