英文: Collective economy organizations can't become delegate of collective land ownership because it is very disorder in actuality and law in force.
中文: 集体经济组织在现实中和立法上都非常混乱,不适宜作为集体土地所有权行使代表。
英文: In the vast countryside in China, household contract management without the collective economy will be only farmers' management in miniature, a smallholders' individual economy, which proves no way out in many years of practice.
中文: 发展集体经济,坚持集体道路,实现共同富裕,是我国真正解决三农问题、建设社会主义新农村的根本道路,也是全面建设小康农村、基本实现农业现代化的重要基础,落实科学发展观的基本要求。
英文: It's a basic principle of Marxism that developing the collective economy and taking along the cooperative road is an avoidable way of building socialism in a farmer-dominated and economy-backward countryside.
中文: 摘要搞社会主义,在农民占多数的、经济文化落后国家的广大农村,必须发展集体经济、走合作化道路,是马克思主义的一个基本原。
英文: The Ten Projects each has clear goal: Hand-in-hand Helping Villages of Slow Development targets at the balancing development of collective economy in countryside, Conduct Experiments Project aims at facilitating the construction of NSC, Constructing Civil
中文: “十项工程”每项都提出明确的目标:“牵手帮扶发展缓慢村工程”以促进农村集体经济均衡发展为目标、“社会主义新农村建设试点工程”以加快新农村建设步伐为目标、“双百共建文明村工程”以改善农村人居环境为目标、“农民综合素质教育工程”以培育社会主义新型农民为目标、“农民职业技能培训和促进就业工程”以解决失地农民和富余劳动力出路为目标、“农村社会保障体系建设工程”以保障农民基本生活为目标、“都市型农业开发工程”以农业可持续发展为目标,“中心镇村规划建设工程”以建设“明日卫星城”为目标、“城乡水利防灾减灾及水环境整治工
英文: The economic power of the street embraces a historical strengthening with the improvement of total income of local production, street financial income, industry sales, profit of industry tax, export income, private investment, collective economy income of
中文: 地区生产总值、街道财政收入、工业销售、工业利税、出口创汇、个私投入、街道社区二级集体经济收入均大幅提升,街道经济实力得到了历史性的增强。