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warring states

【法】 战国

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英文: A great wave of population emigration took place in the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Period because of the contends and conflicts for hegemony among feudal princes.

中文: 摘要春秋战国时期,由于诸侯争霸和兼并战争等原因,社会上出现了大规模的人口迁移现象,在这迁移的人流中不乏各类人才。        更详细...
英文: As a founder of Mohism in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, Mocius is well known to many people, but as an outstanding ancient craftsman and military architect he has not enjoyed equal popularity with the celebrated architect Lu Ban.

中文: 摘要作为墨家学派创始人的墨子是广为人知的,但作为和公输班(鲁班)齐名的古代著名工匠和军事建筑学家的墨子,则鲜为人知。        更详细...
英文: As most scholars inferred, A Silk Book of Huang Lao was written in the early or middle phase of the Warring States Period.

中文: 《黄老帛书》被多数学者推证为成立于战国前期或中期之际。        更详细...
英文: Based on collating and analyzing a large number of historical data, this paper brings to light the complicated development peocess of the ancient Chinese term-scholars-bureaucrat, pointing not that it developed from the rove people in the Warring States p

中文: 摘要通过对大量历史资料的梳理和分析,揭示了“士大夫”概念在中国古代复杂的演变过程,指出战国时期的“游士”与东汉以来的“名士”、南北朝之后特别是宋代的“居士”都属于“士”阶层演变的结果,从而解释了宋代很多位居高官者自号“居士”的一个原因。        更详细...
英文: Chanting Songs disppeared in the Warring States due to the fact that all states discarded the elegance and ritual.

中文: 而战国纵横捭阖的政治形势使各国完全撕去了文质彬彬的外衣,赋诗从此销声匿迹。        更详细...

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