英文: However, from the perspective of iatrology history, we study the records in Shiji and Hanshu, the characteristics of the black dog who attacked Empress Iii, the time from when Empress Lu was hurt in armpit to when she was died, and her symptom during this
中文: 然而以医疗史的视角,从《史记》、《汉书》等书对吕后遭遇犬祸记述的异同,袭击吕后仓狗的出没特征,吕后由腋伤、病重到亡故的时间、症状及其在此期间的表现,细加考索和探究,汉人“如意为崇”、“妖象犬形”等看似荒诞的记载,实际隐喻着对吕后病状的合理描述,其中透露出的种种迹象表明:吕后腋伤起于撕狗的抓咬,最后的死亡也是因狂犬病的发作所致。
英文: In Bush brainpower, Fang WANG said she had a lot of best things: the unique Chinese female, the unique iatrology Ph.D etc.
中文: 在布什智囊团里,王舫说自己身上有很多“数一数二”的东西:唯一的中国女性,唯一的医学专业博士等。
英文: Professor: Not long ago, artificial humans were always used in iatrology as human testing subjects because of their gene have more improvement than humans.
中文: “最初,人工生命体——也就是俗称的人造人或者生化人,由于拥有比自然人更为优秀的基因,所以经常被医学界作为人体试验品使用。