英文: In Europe, it is money, not safety, that is corroding traditional diplomatic marriage, and thus the home-based hospitality that oils the wheels of statecraft.
中文: 在欧洲,则是金钱而非安全正在恶化传统的外交人员婚姻生活,并损害在总部里能促进发挥治国才能的那些热情礼数。
英文: Let us pray for the many home-based churches, cell groups, and outreach ministries among the Christian Taiwanese families in China .
中文: 让我们在祷告中记念定居这里的台湾肢体,也为此地许多在家中聚会,活动和以台商家庭为对象的事工祷告。
英文: Long Term Disability Pricing and Profitability, Looking Beyond the Calculations for Better Disability Risk Selection, Underwriting and Claims considerations for Home-Based Workers, Underwriting Substandard Disability Insurance, Underwriting Income Protect
中文: ;超越计算,选择更好的伤残风险;针对在家工作者的核保和理赔考虑的因素;次标准伤残险的核保;收入保障保险的核保-加费与除外条款;个人长期护理保险作为个人残障保险的延续;有效的伤残理赔-科隆再保险公司为德国人寿保险公司提供一项独特的服务;案例管理:将案例管理技巧运用到理赔管理上。