英文: A unit of electrical resistance equal to that of a conductor in which a current of one ampere is produced by a potential of one volt across its terminals.
中文: 欧姆电阻单位,一段导体两端的电位差为伏特时产生一安培电流,那么这段导体的电阻就等于欧姆
英文: All range voltage,Ampere meter,can suit the demand of customer.
中文: 任意量程的交直流电压、电流表均可按用户要求供货。
英文: Ampere The ampere is a unit of electric current flow. One ampere of current will flow when a potential of one volt is applied across a resistance of one ohm.
中文: 安培安培是电流单位。1伏电压作用于1欧姆的电阻上就会产生1安培的电流。
英文: CT (Current Transformer) Current transformers are instrument transformers used in conjunction with ammeters, control circuits and protective relaying. They usually have 5 ampere secondaries.
中文: 电流互感器电流互感器是一种仪表变压器,通常与电流表、控制电路、保护继电器配套使用。
英文: Francis Andre of Smith Kline-RIT (now GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals) in Rixensart, Belgium, and Timo Vesikari, a pediatrician at the University of Tampere in Finland, prepared and tested a vaccine derived from a rotavirus strain found in cows.
中文: 比利时里森萨市史克药厂(现为葛兰素史克生物制药)的安卓与芬兰坦派勒大学的小儿科医师维西卡里,以取自母牛的轮状病毒品系制备疫苗,并进行人体试验。