英文: Both the buyer and Seller Sign in the “Record Sheet for Inter-SDE transactions” (in quadruplicate), and get back three of the quadruplets after stamped by SDE registration for use of bank settlement and for the buyer's and seller's filing respectively.
中文: 买卖双方会员代表在确认无误后在《钻交所所内交易交割单》上签字,并领取加盖钻交所钻石交易专用章的《钻交所所内交易交割单》买方留存联、卖方留存联及银行结算凭证联。
英文: SDE issues “Record Sheet for Inter-SDE transactions” in quadruplicate, based on the sales Contract and goods list with SDE Customs' Stamps.
中文: 凭海关核准的销售合同及销售清单送钻交所交易登记处复核,由钻交所开具《钻交所所内交易交割单》(一式四份)。