英文: British ambassador to Iran Richard Dalton (L) ar-rives at a British Airways office in Tehran on August 2, 2005 following an explosion.
中文: 8月2日,英国驻伊朗大使理查德·道尔顿(左)来到英国航空公司在德黑兰的办事处。
英文: The molecules were acting like enzymes, and yet they were much, much smaller: the molecular weight of a TAML is about 500 daltons (a dalton is equal to one twelfth the mass of carbon 12, the most abundant isotope of carbon), whereas the weight of horserad
中文: 这些分子的作用方式很像酵素,不过远比酵素小得多:一个TAML的分子量大约是500道尔顿(1道尔顿等于氢原子的质量);相较之下,在酵素里算小的「辣根过氧化酶」,分子量就约有四万道尔顿。