英文: All but one were achieved solid fusion (96%), and the other one had a painful pseudoarthrosis due to residual pannus invasion of rheumatoid arthritis.
中文: 在这25例踝关节固定术中,计有24例得到良好的愈合(96%),其中一例由于类风湿性关节残留的炎组织而造成固定位置的未愈合。
英文: Congenital bipartite scaphoid does exist apart from traumatic pseudoarthrosis of the scaphoid and must be considered in the differential diagnosis of fracture of scaphoid.
中文: 故在诊断舟状骨裂的同时也必须考虑到先天性舟状骨裂。
英文: Clinical analysis of the honeysuckle amboyna liquid for knee arthrosis pyogenic infection
中文: 银黄灌洗液治疗化脓性膝关节炎疗效分析
英文: Methods After the relative surgical treatment of different cases of knee arthrosis pyogenic infection with kneescope,according to the principle of the dialectical method. The honeysuckle- amboyna liquid was used to lavage the location?
中文: 方法对例不同类型的膝关节感染病人在使用膝关节镜辅助下,进行相应外科处理后,按照辩证论治原则,使用银黄灌洗液进行局部灌洗。
英文: methods Seventy-two knees in patients with chondromalacia patellae or osteoarthrosis of the patellofemoraljoint were measured using Insall - Salvati and Merchat methods on radiographs of the lateral and axial views in 0of flexion.
中文: 方法收集临床诊断为髌骨软骨软化或髌股关节骨性关节病的成年患者例,共计7侧膝关节。 摄屈膝 0侧位片和髌骨轴位片,进行Insall-Salvati和Merchat测量,并与对照组进行比较。