英文: The governments in those regions with preferable conditions are encouraged to set up credit guarantee foundations and regional re-guarantee agencies for small and middle-sized enterprises, to support the establishment and development of guarantee agencies
中文: 鼓励有条件的地区建立中小企业信用担保基金和区域性再担保机构,以参股、委托运作和提供风险补偿等方式支持担保机构的设立与发展,完善中小企业信用担保体系的增信、风险补偿机制。
英文: The governments of all regions and all departments shall actively create conditions, take various actions to organize and promote the construction of credit guarantee mechanism for small and middle-sized enterprises, guide guarantee agencies to fully exer
中文: (三)各地区、各部门要积极创造条件,采取多种措施,组织和推进中小企业信用担保体系建设,引导担保机构充分发挥服务职能,根据有关法律法规和政策,积极为有市场、有效益、信用好的中小企业开展担保业务,切实缓解中小企业融资难、担保难等问题。
英文: To continue implementing the preferential taxation policy that exemption of business tax in three years for eligible and qualified credit guarantee agencies for small and middle-sized enterprises, as provided for in the Circular of the General Office of S
中文: (五)继续执行《国务院办公厅转发国家经贸委关于鼓励和促进中小企业发展若干政策意见的通知》(国办发〔2000〕59号)中规定的对符合条件的中小企业信用担保机构免征三年营业税的税收优惠政策。