英文: He backed away and in that split second she slammed the door in his face.
中文: 他往后退,就在这一刹那,她砰地把他关在门外了。
英文: He had read the biographical sketches of all of the forty-one lawyers in the firm, and in a split second he had recalled that Lamar Quin had gone to Kansas State.
中文: 他阅读了有关该事务所所有41名律师的介绍,而且能在一瞬间回忆起拉马尔?奎恩曾在堪萨斯大学读过书。
英文: Lightening strikes and for a split second they see a person standing there.
中文: 接着闪电再次照亮了大厅,就在这短短一瞬,人们看到有一个人站在那里。
英文: The past eight years is so long, yet it still a split second of the history; the past eight years is so prosperous, but it only proves the past success.
中文: 八年年历程无论走多远,这仅是历史长河中短短的一瞬;八年成就无论多辉煌,这只能代表过去曾经的历史。
英文: You said I could not shed a tear, you want me to remember your smiling face, yet in split second while to turn away, I saw your soring eyes.
中文: 你说我不可以掉眼泪,你要记住我最美的笑脸,但我却在你转身的瞬间,看见了你红了双眼。