英文: 13 Caught off guard by the invasion, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin instructed the Russian people to scorch the earthin front of the German invaders.
中文: 苏联领导人约瑟夫·斯大林被打了个措手不及,他指示全国人民在德国入侵者到来之前实行“焦土”政策。
英文: 1945 The Potsdam Conference of Allied leaders Truman, Stalin and Churchill (later replaced by Attlee) began.
中文: 同盟国首脑杜鲁门、斯大林和丘吉尔(后期为艾德礼)开始举行波茨坦会议。
英文: Comrade Stalin had made a speech. The invaders' day were numbered, he had said.
中文: 斯大林同志作了报告。他说了:侵略者的命运快完了。
英文: Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin were well-known dictators.
中文: 希特勒墨、索里尼和史达林都是有名的独裁者。
英文: 【Abstract 】At the initial stages of postwar(after Second Word War), for the sake of maintaining of cooperative relations with USA in range of the Yalta System and safeguarding of soviet vested interests in Far East, Stalin adopted negative and distant att
中文: 战后初期,为了维持与美国在雅尔塔体系内确立的远东合作关系和保障苏联在远东的既得利益,斯大林对中共和中国革命采取了消极冷漠的态度和立场。