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endowment insurance


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英文: China need to establish a rural endowment insurance system as soon as possible, as 70 percent of aged people lived in rural areas and a large number of them turn to be empty nesters, a leading expert said Saturday.

中文: 周六一位专家领导说,中国有70%的老年人居住在农村,他们中的很大一部分人都是孤寡老人,因此中国应该尽快建立起一套农村养老保险体系。        更详细...
英文: Government's financial department is an important organization to put into practice the basic endowment insurance Financial conditions, financial management system and the ways of management will greatly exert an influence on endowment insurance system.

中文: 摘要政府财政是实施基本养老保险财务会计管理、资金管理和基金担保的重要部门,财政状况、财政管理制度和管理方式是养老保险体制的重要影响因素。        更详细...
英文: In order to overcome the difficulty in collecting funds, it is urgent to reform the pension funds-raising proportion of rural social endowment insurance by defining the responsibility of nation, the collective and the individual, increasing the income of

中文: 为改变基金筹集较为困难的现状,急需改革农保基金筹集比例,明确国家、集体、个人三方责任;增加农民收入,从根源上解决农村社会养老保险基金来源不足;拓宽基金筹集渠道,多渠道筹集农村社会养老保险基金。        更详细...
英文: In stepping up the industrialization and urbanization, Huashe pays great attention to the synchronized development of urban and rural areas and is the first to have realized a complete coverage of social welfare such as endowment insurance for employees,

中文: 在加快工业化、推进城市化的同时,华舍街道注重城乡统筹发展,率先达到了职工养老保险、城乡居民最低生活保障、失地农民基本生活保障、农村新型合作医疗、社区公共卫生服务、免费义务教育等全覆盖。        更详细...
英文: In the light of several cases in current endowment insurance such as applying for various insurances for one person, transferring the endowment insurance relation while retiring and receiving excessive pension by hiding or without reporting the informatio

中文: 针对目前养老保险中可能存在的一人多保、在退休时采取转移养老保险关系和退休死亡后未报、瞒报而多领取养老金的情况,提出了相应的对策。        更详细...

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