英文: Although the spacecraft created a sonic boom that could be heard along much of Florida's eastern seaboard, witnesses on the ground could not see the orbiter until it was directly over the runway lights.
中文: 虽然太空船在冲破音速时所制造的爆音可以被佛罗里达州东边缘海的人听到,但在地面上是无法看到的.目击者要直至等太空船直接在跑道灯上才能看见这首刚从轨道回来的太空船.
英文: And unlike Galileo, Cassini-Huygens is a truly international effort: although NASA built the Cassini orbiter and is managing the mission, the European Space Agency (ESA) developed the Huygens probe, and the science teams for all the spacecraft instruments
中文: 此外与伽利略号不同的是,卡西尼–惠更斯号是真正的国际合作产物:虽然卡西尼号轨道船是由美国航太总署(NASA)所建造、统筹,但惠更斯号探测器却是由欧洲太空总署(ESA)所发展,且所有太空船仪器的科学团队都包括欧洲及美国科学家。
英文: But in China, the government, not a court, is the final arbiter of law.
中文: 但在中国,法律不是法院说了算,而是政府说了算。
英文: Fortune is arbiter of half our actions ,but she still leaves the control of the other half to us .
中文: 命运只控制我们行为的一半,而把另一半控制力留给我们自己.
英文: In September 1999 its Mars Climate Orbiter was lost as a failed rocket burn plunged it into the Martian atmosphere.
中文: 1999年9月,火星气候轨道探测器消失了——由于火箭出现事故而燃烧,将它投入了火星大气层。