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But in China, the government, not a court, is the final arbiter of law.

But in 2006, this figure went back down a bit. 但在2006年,该数据有小幅回落。
But in America, after turning 16 we never ride bikes again. 可是我们美国人十六岁之后就不再骑车。
But in America, which has long had a love affair with both therapy and the Net, these stories are common. 然而,对于美国这么一个与心理治疗和网络结缘已久的国家来说,此类故事不足为奇。
But in Australia, students have to do oral presentations, individual or group assignments, mid-term exams and final exams. 不幸的是当我发现100多名同学中竟有几乎一半是中国人时,我变得更加失望了,有时甚至觉得我是在中国上一位外教的课。
But in Bangkok—currently the region's busiest air hub, with 39m passengers last year—andManila, big airport projects are badly behind schedule. 三月份,新加坡和吉隆坡在他们的国际机场为廉价航空公司建立了候机楼。
But in China, the government, not a court, is the final arbiter of law. 但在中国,法律不是法院说了算,而是政府说了算。
But in December 1983, the then Federal Treasurer, Paul Keating a ounced the floating of the dollar. 但是在1983年的12月,当时的国库部长基廷宣布澳元自由浮动。
But in December 1983, the then Federal Treasurer, Paul Keating announced the floating of the dollar. 但是在1983年的12月,当时的国库部长基廷宣布澳元自由浮动。
But in Einstein's general theory of relativity, the foundation of modern cosmology, space is dynamic. 不过在近代宇宙学的基础──爱因斯坦的广义相对论中,空间是动态的。
But in France, Europe's most fervent defender of agricultural handouts and a country where wine is seen as a part of national identity, the notion of ripping up vines, abandoning traditional holdings, and producing “industrial” wine is sacrilegious. 但是在法国,欧洲这个捍卫农业补贴最力,将葡萄酒视为国家认同一环的国家,铲除葡萄树、放弃传统土地、生产「工业」酒,是一种大逆不道的想法。
But in Harry's second year (CS3) they use Arthur Weasley's Ford Anglia, and in his fourth year (GF11) they use three Muggle taxis. 但是在哈利的第二年(CS3)他们使用亚瑟·韦斯莱的福特安格里亚车,而在第四年(GF11)他们使用三辆麻瓜出租汽车。

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