英文: A vast array of individuals seriously overrate the importance of money in making themselves, and others, happy,said strategist James Montier in a recent memo to clients.
中文: 策略师詹姆斯·蒙蒂尔在最近给客户的一份便函中提到:“在使自己和他人快乐这方面,很多人都过高地估计了金钱的重要性。”
英文: After Mr Mo Xuyou Took a Planekeeps a realistic record of people? life in warring area in Huangmei.
中文: 摘要《莫须有先生坐飞机以后》以传统史家实录的方式记录了武汉会战战区地带黄梅乡村民众的真实的生活图景。
英文: Best Award sad day: NI Ping dayfor a book sent NI Ping glory, The bizarre incident divorce again NI Ping onto center of storm, regardless of whether they really divorce, Best sad day this award-Mo few she wants is the matter with the NI Ping compete not t
中文: 《日子》一书曾让倪萍风光无限,离婚事件的扑朔迷离又把倪萍推到风口浪尖,无论是否真的离婚,最佳难过日子这个奖项非她莫数,谁要是再跟倪萍争就太没有风度了。
英文: I've asked Shevchenko to ask his board to let him go to Dynamo on loan.
中文: “我和舍甫琴柯谈过,建议他向俱乐部申请将他租借到我们俱乐部。”
英文: Maybe a lot of people don't recognise how important Momo is, but everyone at the club knows it.
中文: “可能很多人不清楚莫莫的重要性,但俱乐部里的每个人都知道。”