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financial year

【经】 财政年度, 会计年度, 财务年度

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英文: 2 The financial year of the Company shall begin on 1st January and end on 31st December of each year, save that the first and last financial years shall respectively begin on the date that the Company's business licence is issued and end on the date of ex

中文: 2公司的会计年度自每年的一月一日起至十二月三十一日止,但第一个会计年度自公司营业执照签发日起,最后一个会计年度应于公司终止日或提前结束日终止。        更详细...
英文: 4 A Board meeting shall be convened at least once a year within the first quarter of a financial year given that an audit report has been issued for the previous financial year.

中文: 4只要前一财政年度的审计报告已经出具,董事会会议每年至少应在该财政年度的第一季度内召开一次。        更详细...
英文: 7 The finance department of the Company shall prepare the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement for the preceding financial year during the first [3] months of each financial year, and submit the same to the Board for adoption after they have be

中文: 7公司财务部门应在每一个财务年度前[三(3)]个月编制上一个财务年度的资产负债表和损益表,经一中国注册会计师复核、审查并签字后,提交董事会通过。        更详细...
英文: A government source said the estimated $6 billion deficit for the financial year might rise to $11 billion because of the lower-than-expected revenue from privatisation of the Mass Transit Railway Corporation.

中文: 政府消息来源指出,由于地铁私有化收益少于预期,本年度的财政赤字可能由六亿元增加到十一亿元。        更详细...
英文: Article 20: Each year, a Representative Organization shall, within six months after the end of the financial year of the foreign insurance institution that it represents, submit the annual report of the previous year of the foreign insurance institution t

中文: 第二十条?代表机构每年在其代表的外国保险机构会计年度结束后的6个月内,应当分别向中国保监会和当地中国保监会派出机构报送其所代表的外国保险机构上一年度的年报。        更详细...

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