英文: An American cost ealuation from the iewpoint of the outcome of pyelonephritis concluded that a single screening culture in the first trimester was cost-effectie if the prealence of bacteriuria was 12% and the risk of pyelonephritis in bacteriuric women wa
中文: 美国从肾盂肾炎的结果进行效价分析,认为在开始的三个月中一次筛选培养最有效的,如果菌尿患病率为12%那麽带菌尿的妇女中患肾盂肾炎的风险是113%。
英文: In the therapeutic studies that established the benefit of treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria during pregnancy,administration of antimicrobial therapy usually continued for the duration of the pregnancy (table 3).
中文: 在这些治疗研究中在孕期治疗无症状菌尿是确定的有利的,应用抗生素治疗常持续整个孕期。
英文: Periodic screening for recurrent bacteriuria should be undertaken after therapy (A-III).
中文: 在治疗后应定期查是否菌尿复发。
英文: The consistency and robustness of obserations from multiple studies resulted in screening for and treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria during pregnancy becoming a standard of care in deeloped countries.
中文: 在发达国家,通过持续不断的观察,从大量的研究中发现,在孕期筛选无症状菌尿来治疗成为一种规范的治疗方法。
英文: These are consistent with the early reports of benefits with screening for and treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria during pregnancy.
中文: 这些报告与早期有关孕期筛选治疗无症状性菌尿对患者是有利的报告相一致。