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An American cost ealuation from the iewpoint of the outcome of pyelonephritis concluded that a single screening culture in the first trimester was cost-effectie if the prealence of bacteriuria was 12% and the risk of pyelonephritis in bacteriuric women wa

An American and a South Korean soldier were among those confirmed dead, but Senior Master Sergeant Richard Simonson says most of the victims were local Afghans. 在已经证实的死亡中有一位美国士兵和韩国士兵,但是高级军官理查德·西蒙森说大部分受害人是当地的阿富汗人。
An American archaeologist (Charlton Heston) is in Egypt with his pregnant wife, searching for the tomb of a long-lost Egyptian queen. 查尔顿·赫斯顿继《沙漠枭雄》后再远征非洲,饰演考古学家,到埃及找寻传说中神秘皇后的木乃伊,并跟随行女下属发生感情。
An American brandy distilled in pot stills from fermented cider apples. 这是一种使用罐馏器蒸馏的苹果渣白兰地。
An American conglomerate holds a major share in the company. 一家美国的大联合企业持有该公司的大部分股份。
An American cook's adventures in the kitchen have won the first literary prize for bloggers turned authors. 一位美国厨师在厨房里的探险历程,赢得第一项为部落客作家所设立的文学大奖。
An American cost ealuation from the iewpoint of the outcome of pyelonephritis concluded that a single screening culture in the first trimester was cost-effectie if the prealence of bacteriuria was 12% and the risk of pyelonephritis in bacteriuric women wa 美国从肾盂肾炎的结果进行效价分析,认为在开始的三个月中一次筛选培养最有效的,如果菌尿患病率为12%那麽带菌尿的妇女中患肾盂肾炎的风险是113%。
An American economist said that protective duties and tariff wars are no less costly than armed peace or real warfare. 一位美国经济学家说,保护关税和关税战所造成的损害不亚于武装和平或真正的战争。
An American engineer company followed, bulldozing the roadhead. 随后一家美国工程公司跟上,推土机推出路端。
An American inventor, Thomas Adams, bought some gum resin from a Mexican in 1895 and sold it as gum balls to a candy store in New Jersey. 一位美国发明家托马斯<2022>亚当斯从一位墨西哥人那里买了一些糖胶树胶,并且将其作为口胶球卖给了新泽西州的一家糖果店。
An American military spokesman said there were sporadic clashes with insurgents in many parts of the city including an incident in which military jets demolished a building from which US forces had come under fire. 一位美军发言人说,在费卢杰的许多地带人有许多武装分子与美军进行抵抗,其中包括轰炸机摧毁了一栋美军曾经遭受袭击的楼房。
An American naturalist wrote, a patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its government. 第三次引用了一位美国自然学家的话:一个爱国者应该时刻准备着为保卫自己的国家而同这个国家的政府做斗争!

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