英文: From textural point of view, about 30% soils are clayey, 35% loamy and 10% sandy while the remaining have variable texture.
中文: 从质地上看,约30%的土壤是粘土,35%是壤土,10%是砂土,其余土壤质地庞杂。
英文: The Shangri-la of Shanghai, as it claims to be, has a pleasant climate, loamy land and sufficient water.
中文: 由于岛上气候宜人,水土丰沃,还被称作“上海的香格里拉”。
英文: The sheep were 18)contentedly 19)grazing and Aaron took a deep breath of the 20)loamy scented air.
中文: 阳光零落地撒在天际,暮色爬上了山丘。
英文: The soils (Paleudults) consist predominantly of light brown fine loamy sand to fine sandy loam changing with depth into a brown sandy clay loam and sandy clay with red mottles.
中文: 土壤(强发育湿润老成土)主要为淡棕色细壤质砂土到细砂质壤土,随着深度增加,土壤变为棕色砂质粘壤土和带有红色斑点的砂质粘土。