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n. 反省, 自省

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英文: Abstract: In the coming of the new century,it may be very important to review the seismological research for the 20th century,to make self-examination of earthquake prediction ways for several decades in China.This also merit our attention in compiling th

中文: 文摘:在新世纪的到来,对20世纪的地震研究作一些回顾,对中国几十年的地震预报的道路进行反思,可能是很有意义的,这对我们编制“十五”规划也有借鉴。        更详细...
英文: Admitting faults leads to correction. Correcting faults leads to progress. Helping others leads to good affinity. Self-examination leads to virtue.

中文: 改过才会进步,认错才能增上;助人才能结缘,内敛才能养德。        更详细...
英文: As the advocacating of democracy and science during the May 4th Movement marks the very beginning of the self-examination and self-advancement of the Chinese people, our speaking at the home to democracy and science represents the common expectation of th

中文: 因为“五四运动”的德先生、赛先生是中国人自省自强的开始,我们两个人分别到德先生和赛先生的大本营来演讲,正代表两岸人民的共同期待,炎黄子孙出人头地的共同愿望。        更详细...
英文: As the advocating of democracy and science during the May 4th Movement marks the very beginning of the self-examination and self-advancement of the Chinese people, our speaking at the home to democracy and science represents the common expectation of the

中文: 因为“五四运动”的德先生、赛先生是中国人自省自强的开始,我们两个人分别到德先生和赛先生的大本营来演讲,正代表两岸人民的共同期待,炎黄子孙出人头地的共同愿望。        更详细...
英文: Hsiao Li-Hung said that the reason to create Kuei hua hsiangand A Thousand Moons on A Thousand Riversis to sigh the transiyion of times, and the lost of cultural spirit. Native Writingis her self-examination of modernity, her works are not only presented

中文: 萧丽红自陈,她之所以写作《桂花巷》、《千江有水千江月》,皆与感叹时代变迁、文化精神源头失落有关,其「乡土写实」是对西化的反思,而其作品中所呈显的「文化中国」(父国)与「地理台湾」(母土)之暧昧纠葛,更表徵了一种时代语境。        更详细...

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