英文: By adoption of a series of construction techniques, such as Doka sheathing board pasted with Finland board, affixing double-sided gum at the bottom of the sheathing board, controlling depot exterior with angle steel, and mending fissures with epoxy resin
中文: 通过采取多卡模板外贴芬兰板、模板底口粘贴双面胶、角钢控制收仓面、环氧树脂腻子补缝等一系列的施工技术工艺,使清水混凝土墙施工达到预期质量要求和工艺效果,满足了设计要求。
英文: The affixing of other markings on the product, which are likely to mislead or confuse the consumers or the third parties, shall be prohibited.
中文: 商品之其他标示不得与验证登录商品检验标识混淆,或使消费者不易辨别商品检验标识。
英文: The parties concerned shall jointly sign the mediation document and the superintendency administration shall confirm it by affixing its seal thereon.
中文: 调解书由当事人各方共同签字,并经港务监督盖印确认。