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reserve funds


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英文: Article 28 Financial institutions handling foreign exchange businesses shall pay reserve funds for foreign exchange bank savings deposits in line with relevant State regulations, abide by stipulations on the management of foreign exchange asset-liability

中文: 第二十八条金融机构经营外汇业务,应当按照国家有关规定交存外汇存款准备金,遵守外汇资产负债比例管理的规定,并建立呆帐准备金。        更详细...
英文: Article 39 The PBC shall turn in all of its net profit to the state treasury from its income of every fiscal year minus annual expenditures after withdrawing its general reserve funds at a proportion determined by the financial department of the State Cou

中文: 第三十九条中国人民银行每一会计年度的收入减除该年度支出,并按照国务院财政部门核定的比例提取总准备金后的净利润,全部上缴中央财政。        更详细...
英文: Article 57 Commercial banks should draw bad debt reserve funds to reverse the bad debt in accordance with relevant State regulations.

中文: 第五十七条商业银行应当按照国家有关规定,提取呆帐准备金,冲销呆帐。        更详细...
英文: Article 61 Reserve funds and bonus and welfare funds for workers and staff members shall be withdrawn from the profits after a foreign-capital enterprise has paid income tax in accordance with the provisions of the Chinese tax law.

中文: 第六十一条外资企业依照中国税法规定缴纳所得税后的利润,应当提取储备基金和职工奖励及福利基金。        更详细...
英文: Article 95 In addition to the reserve funds described in the preceding two articles, an insurance company shall set aside amounts into the accumulated reserve fund in accordance with the relevant State laws, administrative regulations and the stipulations

中文: 第九十五条除依照前二条规定提取准备金外,保险公司应当依照有关法律、行政法规及国家财务会计制度的规定提取公积金。        更详细...

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