*[ig'nɒ:]\nvt. 不理睬, 忽视, 驳回, 忽略\n【计】 忽略
英文: It really has knocked our research team sideways to find that after a decade-long international study, pigeons appear to ignore their inbuilt directional instincts and follow the road system,said Prof Tim Guilford, reader in animal behaviour at Oxford Uni
中文: 牛津大学动物学系动物行为学教师提姆·吉尔福德教授说:“经过长达十年的国际研究,我们发现鸽子似乎忽视了它们天生的识途本能,反而沿着道路体系飞行,这着实让研究小组大吃一惊。”
英文: A classic mistake is to ignore these economics, attempting to automate all tests, even those that won't be run often enough to justify it. What tests clearly justify automation?
中文: 一个典型错误是忽略这些经济上的考虑,试图自动化所有的测试,甚至包括那些不常运行的测试以至不能证明自动化是必要的。哪些测试能明显地证明自动化是必要的?
英文: A perfect example of how you just had to ignore human nature to see that part of the future.
中文: 脱离人类的天性去畅想未来,有一个绝佳的例子。
英文: Abstract:This essay spotlights the problem of joining the empirical and the theoretical, and reviews from that point of view the rather extreme tendency to ignore the empirical in some Western modernist theories, especially the fundamentalist marketism an
中文: 本文突出经验与理论连接问题,由此回顾西方现代主义下的一些无视经验证据的偏激理论倾向,特别是近年的美国新保守主义国家意识形态化下的原教旨市场主义以及其高度形式化的新古典经济学。
英文: Although today's religious leaders may scoff at anyone who does not kowtow to the men at the top of their hierarchy, humble composters can ignore the pressures of religious conformity, and instead hold a grain of pure spiritual truth in the palm of their
中文: 尽管当今的宗教领袖们可能会嘲笑那些不向他们所信仰的最高神灵磕头的人,但是谦逊的沤肥分解者们可以漠视遵循宗教法规的压力,而心中紧攥纯洁的真谛。