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A classic mistake is to ignore these economics, attempting to automate all tests, even those that won't be run often enough to justify it. What tests clearly justify automation?

A class provides a general description for one or many objects. 一个类提供了一个或者多个对象的通用性描叙。
A class to do search and replace functions within a file and add a line to a file. 这个类可以在文件中执行搜索和替换功能,也可以在文件中增加一行。
A class which supports incremental matching of a pattern against a set of stored strings. 一个提供依靠存储的字符串来匹配图案这种功能的类。
A classic drippicture by Jackson Pollock has become the world's most expensive painting after it was sold in America by the Hollywood entertainment mogul David Geffen for $140 million (£75 million). 好莱坞大腕戴维·格芬将20世纪美国抽象画大师杰克逊·波洛克用“滴画”手法创作的名为《1948年第5号作品》的油画以1.4亿美元的价格出售后,这幅作品成为世界上最贵的画。
A classic expression of love for your sweetheart. 你像是一朵红红的玫瑰!向心上人表达一个经典的情意。
A classic mistake is to ignore these economics, attempting to automate all tests, even those that won't be run often enough to justify it. What tests clearly justify automation? 一个典型错误是忽略这些经济上的考虑,试图自动化所有的测试,甚至包括那些不常运行的测试以至不能证明自动化是必要的。哪些测试能明显地证明自动化是必要的?
A classic study of modern advertising. 一部关于现代广告的经典著作。
A classical concert will take place in the Palace gardens two days earlier - the first time the gardens will have held any sort of public performance. 明年6月1日,白金汉宫还将举办一次古典音乐会,这将是以皇家园林为演出场所的首次大众演出活动。
A classical genetic approach, where one starts with a mutation phenotype and works toward identifing the mutated gene. 研究突变表型以确定突变基因的传统遗传学方法。
A classical system contains more information than a quantum one does, because classical variables can take on any value, whereas quantum ones are discrete. 他主张量子力学与古典力学间的明显差异在于资讯的遗失。
A classification or grouping, especially within a sequence of numbers or grades, as a category of incomes sharing the same tax rate. 等级,同类类别或集团,尤指包含在一数目或级别的序列之中,作为按相同税率征税的收入类别

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