英文: But, In the condition of coincidence of law, one of the accusal can make comprehensive criminal estimate for legal interests, Continuous offence absorbed offence and continuous offence should adopt the principle of punishments for plural crimes.
中文: 由于连续犯、牵连犯和吸收犯侵犯的都是数法益,从全面评价法益的角度讲,应当实行数罪并罚。
英文: Surely they'll hit our 3 brothers badly and try to make them to accept some accusal so that they themselves will be nothing wrong !
中文: 现我家三兄弟被当“犯人”关进看守所了是要屈打成招,安插罪名以洗脱他们的非法绑架之罪吧?