英文: Just as the foreman of a spinning-mill settles the work-people in their places, walks up and down the works, and noting any stoppage or unusual creaking or too loud a whir in the spindles, goes up hurriedly, slackens the machinery and sets it going proper
中文: 像一个纺纱作坊的老板,让劳动者就位以后,便在作坊里踱来踱去,发现纺锤停止转动,或者声音逆耳,轧轧作响、音量太大时,就赶快走去制动纺车,或者使它运转自如——安娜·帕夫洛夫娜也是这样处理事情的,她在自己客厅里踱来踱去,不时地走到寂然无声或者谈论过多的人群面前,开口说句话或者调动他们的坐位,于是又使谈话机器从容不迫地、文质彬彬地转动起来。
英文: Only the whir of the air conditioner broke the silence in the office.
中文: 打破办公室内寂静的,只有空气调节机呼呼的转动声。
英文: They made us dizzy with the flap and whir of their wings.
中文: 呆在地球上吧,你们这些未来的鹰!