英文: Based on the muscle force trait of slalom kayaking and by using the force quality testing equipment, the maximal power test of bench pull in different weight was given to the national excellent women slalom kayakists.
中文: 摘要通过研制的力量素质测试设备,根据皮划艇激流运动主要肌肉用力特点,对国家皮划艇激流队优秀女队员进行了不同重量下的卧拉最大功率的测试。
英文: It fit my personality - my aggressive male side that loves getting dressed in a helmet, arm guards and shin protectors to do battle with the slalom gates, and my gentle female side that longs to have children one day and wants to dress up in a beautiful s
中文: 我的这个身体变得符合我的个性—我极具男人的拼杀,喜欢头戴钢盔和护腕在障碍滑雪赛中穿梭,而且我女人的一面就好像我是有孩子的母亲而且想用丝绸做的衣服打扮一番,和爱人出去野餐,在他面前脱光我的衣服。
英文: Play the tournament mode with the four different disciplines - downhill, super g, giant slalom and slalom.
中文: 游戏有四种不同的教学模式:斜坡滑雪、超级大回转、障碍滑雪和大型障碍滑雪赛。
英文: Racing - small waist width foe quick edge change : smaller radii slalom shorter skis for carve slalom turns . in giant slalom wider radius longer skis.
中文: 竞技-竞技回转板的腰部很窄,窄小的腰部在滑行时可以灵活的切换板刃。大回转雪板腰部较宽些,板子也长,在高速滑行中更加的稳定。
英文: Sheva s slalom against Bari, reminiscant of Re Leone s caost to coast against Verona a few years earlier. Pure class!!!!
中文: 舍瓦在对巴里一战中横空出世,奔袭过人,打进精彩一球,简直就是几年前维阿对维罗纳那个进球的翻版。核弹头威力无穷!!!!